TNI Proficiency Testing Program
Fields of Proficiency Testing
Management System
Welcome to The NELAC Institute's PT Program
Fields of Proficiency Testing Management System

This is a central repository for information regarding the fields of proficiency testing approved for use by the TNI PT Program Executive Committee.

FoPT Tables in Excel format are available from the links to the left.  Links to TNI's database of Methods, Analytes, Matrices, and Technologies are also provided courtesy of the Laboratory Accreditation Management System.


Access to anonymized PT statistical data is restricted to individuals designated by the TNI PT Program Executive Committee.

PT Providers should consult the EDD Specification Document (PDF) for information about how to submit data to this website.


Please use the "contact" option at top-right to be directed to a form on which you can ask questions about database use, the data, or to offer suggestions for making the application more useful.