TNI Proficiency Testing Program
Fields of Proficiency Testing
Management System


Please use the "contact" option at top-right to be directed to a form on which you can ask questions about database use, the data, or to offer suggestions for making the application more useful.




The left navigation bar offers links to a variety of database tables.


Select "PT Providers" to get a list of accredited PT Providers (PTPs). Selecting a PTP from the result table will take you to the page of contact information.


"Export" - brings up a page that provides the ability to create a downloadable Comma-Separated Value (CSV) file of anonymized PT statistical data.  The desired study matrix, analyte, and date range must be chosen to provide the parameters for the export file.

"PT Studies" - brings up a page that provides a live summary of PT statistical data that is available in the database.  The study matrix, analyte code and name, and number of data points(N) are displayed.  Filters at the top of the page provide the ability to select data by study matrix and date range.  The analyte list can also be filtered by typing a partial analyte name into the boxes provided at the top of the analyte name columns and then pressing the Enter key.  To create an export file, select one or more analytes by clicking the checkbox to the left of each analyte of interest (note that all analytes may be selected by clicking the checkbox at the top of the checkbox column), and then click the Save to CSV button.



Click on a FoPT table name to download the current Excel FoPT spreadsheet.



"Analytes" - brings up the Analyte table from the Laboratory Accreditation Management System (LAMS). The table opens in a new window or tab.

"Methods" - brings up the table of TNI Test Methods from LAMS. The table opens in a new window or tab.
"Matrices" - brings up the table of TNI Matrix codes from LAMS. The table opens in a new window or tab.
"Technologies" - brings up the table of TNI Technology codes from LAMS. The table opens in a new window or tab.